Kidney and hypertension specialist doctors are doctors who study the science of kidney disease or nephrology in depth. There are two types of kidney specialist doctors based on the age of the patient being treated, namely children and adults. Kidney specialists play a role to diagnose and determine the treatment of patients with kidney disease. Nephrology is a branch of medical science that is included in internal medicine. To become a kidney and hypertension specialist, a general practitioner needs to complete his specialist internal medicine education first, then continue his subspecialty education in the field of nephrology. After completing this education, the doctor will get the title of specialist in kidney disease and hypertension consultant (Sp.PD-KGH). Areas of Kidney and Hypertension Specialist As mentioned above, kidney and hypertension specialists are divided into two, namely for adults (over 18 years) and children (aged 0-18 years). Adult kidney specialists undergo a...